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Dr. Shelyn Somani, MD  

 I have had the privilege of learning from some truly remarkable teachers and authors in my life so far, including Dr. Deepak Chopra, Byron Katie, Gangaji, Eli Jaxton-Bear, Joe Dispenza, and Alison Armstrong to name a few. Not only that but over the years I've benefited tremendously from working with renowned coaches such as Kyle Cease and Tony Robbins' foundation, deepened my understanding through nonduality speakers, healed so much in relationships with relationship coaches, studied Traditional Chinese Medicine with Dr. Steven Aung, did my Reiki master training with William Rand  - and so much more. From trauma therapy sessions to meditation retreats alongside hypnotherapy studies; all these experiences have helped me become who I am today, and I'm very grateful to be walking this path and to serve others.

I have come to see that love is the most powerful force in the universe, but it is not forceful. And there is nothing that love cannot heal. 

I have had the deep honour of working with thousands of people in their lives with mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Through compassion, presence, love, understanding, and skillful means, I have guided many individuals away from prescription medications like antidepressants - supporting them to live more enriched lives instead.  As my own self-healing continues I am taken by the deep reverence for this work that constantly expands with every connection made; truly honouring what we can achieve together through openness, empathy, connection, and authenticity.

Qualifications & Certifications

BSc (Bachelor of Science, Major in Biology, Minor in Psychology)

M.D. (Medical Doctor)

CCFP (Certificant of the College of Family Physicians)

Certified meditation instructor through the Chopra Center

Facilitator for The Work of Byron Katie

Certified acupuncturist through the University of Alberta

Reiki master

Healing Touch practitioner

Mind-body medicine practitioner ​

Let’s Connect

If you would like to connect, please fill out the contact form below and I'll be in touch.

Thanks for connecting!

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